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Q: What is geometrical path difference?
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A departure from what is normal, usual or expected, usually an unwelcome one

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A cube is a geometrical shape. Cubism is an art style.

What is the relation between the path difference and phase difference?

The phase difference between two waves is directly proportional to the path difference between them. The phase difference is a measure of how much the wave has shifted along its oscillation cycle, while the path difference is a measure of the spatial separation between two points where the waves are evaluated.

What is the difference between a edge and side?

A side is basically a geometrical shape; an edge is where two sides meet.

What is path difference?

The path difference is the difference in the physical distance between the two sources to the observer, i.e., the difference in distance travelled from the source to the observer.

What phase difference and path difference relation only one?

phase diference=path difference x (360 degrees/wavelength)

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because amorphous solids are that solids that don't have geometrical shape and don't have particular melting point but crystalline solids have characterstic geometrical shape and have sharp melting point.

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Computer Graphics: Synthesize pictures from mathematical or geometrical models.Image Processing: analyze pictures to derive descriptions (often in mathematical or geometrical forms) of objects appeared in the pictures.

What are the different geometrical figures?

the different geometrical figures are hexagon nonagon decagon...........

What is the difference between absolute path name and relative path name in Unix?

Absolute path: Path from root directory (it is the same place, wherever the current path is) Relative path: Relative to the current path.