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No matter how many times you multiply zero by itself, you will always get zero.

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Q: What is infinity to the power of zero?
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What is infinity to the power infinity?

Also infinity. If you are concerned about the size of sets, it is a higher-level (larger) infinity. For example, 2 to the power aleph-zero, or aleph-zero to the power aleph-zero, is equal to aleph-one.

What is zero raised to the power of infinity?

It remains as zero

What is e to the power minus infinity?

that would be the inverse of e to the plus infinity Answer is thus zero

Can you use L'hopital's rule for functions?

Yes. The rule is used to find the limit of functions which are an indeterminate form; that is, the limit would involve either 0/0, infinity/infinity, 0 x infinity, 1 to the power of infinity, zero or infinity to the power of zero, or infinity minus infinity. So while it is not used on all functions, it is used for many.

Why does zero to a negative power yield infinity rather than undefined?

It IS undefined.

What is zero to the fourth power?

Zero to any non-zero real number power is equal to zero. Unless a function evaluates to 'zero to the infinity power' then you must take limits to determine what the limit evaluates to. Zero to the zero power is undefined, but you can take a limit of the underlying function to determine if the limit exists.

Is infinity zero?

Infinity cannot, by definition, be a defined number such as zero.

When was Zero to Infinity created?

Zero to Infinity was created in 1999-09.

Why don't negative numbers have logarithms?

10 (or e) to the power of x range from zero to infinity. Lets try the extreme cases: 10^infinity = infinity 10^0 = 1 10^-infinity = 1/infinity = 0

What is infinity into zero?

Infinity into zero = Log 2 = 0.692 by L'hospital Rule

What is the value of zero times infinity?

Zero times infinity is defined as "indeterminate".

What is the limit of infinity over zero?

infinity? Infinity over zero is undefined, or complex infinity depending on numbers you are including in your number system.