

What is input in math form?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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10y ago

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If you are referring to this in terms of programming, then let's say I built a pgm that will prompt you to input an integer and my pgm will return the square of your "input"

Looks like this:

Enter a number and I will square it: 12

12 squared = 144

Here it is in C++

<#include iostream.h> //input-output stream STL

<#include math.h> //to make sure i dont need to reinvent the wheel

int input_number; //allocate memory for the input

int square; //same for the output

int main{

cout << "Enter a number and I will square it: ";

cin >>input_number;

square = input_number^2;

cout<< input_number << "squared = " << square <

return 0;


In Pseudo:



Print number and it's square

There is no "input form" for pencil and paper math, just plugging in numbers, say we have the following:

f(x) = x + 1

You would say or write "what is f of 2?"

I would reply "three"

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