An intersect is when a line, or polygon is 'crossed' by or touches another line or polygon.
it the circumference of a circle
Assuming the measure of the arc refers to the angle at the centre of the circle, the answer is 180 - 150 = 30 degrees.
100 degrees
Yes Set the compass at a reasonable width. Put the point of the compass on the point of the angle. Draw an arc on each arm of the angle. With the point of the compass on where one arc intersects one arm of the angle, draw a further arc between the arms of the angle (roughly in the middle). With the point of the compass on the other arc-arm intersection, draw another arc to intersect this just drawn arc. With a straight edge join this intersection to the point of the angle - this line bisects the angle.
it the circumference of a circle
They are congruent because they are supplemental angles
They are congruent because they are supplemental angles
Apiti, New Zealand
HOW TO MAKE 40 DEGREE ANGLE USING RULER AND COMPASSStep 1:-Draw a line segment BC of any measurement.Step 2:-Now, B as center and any radius draw an arc give it as arc (RS).Step 3:-Where the arc rs cut the line segment BC give that point as P.Now, with P as center and same radius cut another arc which intersect the arc RS at point X.Step 4:-With X as center and same radius cut another arc which intersect the arc RS at point Y.Step 5:-with X as center and any radius cut an arc and now,Y as center and same radius cut another arc which intersect the first arc.Step 6:-Now taking Z as center and radius ZP cut another arc.Now taking P as center and same radius cut another arc which intersect the first arc at point Q.Step 7:-Join BQ.At last we get angle QBC=40 degree._BY:-SHIVAM_PALAN"> BY:-SHIVAM PALANP.NO. +91 9371885859ADD.RING ROAD NEARSHIVAM GIRL'S HOSTELGONDIA-441601(MAHARASHTRA)
Compass Rose
PVI = Point of Vertical Intersect. It's where two adjoining Curve Lines meet in the Center of the Arc or Curved Line.
No, isobars represent areas of equal atmospheric pressure, so two isobars should never intersect on a surface weather map. If two isobars were to intersect, it would imply that the same location on the map has two different atmospheric pressure values simultaneously, which is not physically possible.
The location in the center of a map is often referred to as the "map center" or the "center point." It is where the horizontal and vertical axes intersect, indicating the point of balance within the map.
market equilibrium / market clearing price.