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Terminating Decimal

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Q: What is it called when a decimal has one or two digits that repeat forever?
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What is the word for a decimal that has digits that repeat forever?

Ellipse or Ellipsis(....)or(...)

What kind of decimal has one or more digits that repeat forever?


What do you call a decimal that has one or more digits that repeat forever and ever?

a repeating or recurring decimal

What do you call the kind of decimal that goes on forever and does not have digits which repeat?


A decimal that has one or more digits that repeat forever?

1/3 = .33333... with the 3s repeating forever 1/7 = .142857142857... with the 142857 repeating forever A recurring decimal!! I just learnt it in school.

What decimal has 1 or more digits that repeat forever?

Off the top of my head I know the fraction 1/3 & 2/3 when they become a decimal become 0.33... forever and 0.66.... forever. Does that help>

What is a fraction in which one or more digits repeat forever........What is it called?

repeating or recurring decimals

When there is a line over a decimal what does that mean and What is it called?

It means repeat that decimal forever with it's last digit.

When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remainder is not zero a digit or block of digits will eventually start to repeat. such a decimal is called a what?

recurring decimal

When a fraction is changed to a decimal in the remainder is not zero a digit or block of digits will eventually start to repeat such a decimal is called what?

a recurring decimal

When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remainder is not a zeroa digit or block of digits will eventually start to repeat such a decimal is called a?

Terminating decimal

Is 5.7777 A rational number?

Yes. If you mean 5.7777 as a terminating decimal it is 57777/10000 If you mean 5.7777... as a recurring decimal where the 7 repeats forever it is 57/9 If a decimal number terminates or repeats one or more digits forever it is a rational number. Otherwise if a decimal number goes on forever but does not repeat any digits (eg √2 = 1.41421356...) then it is an irrational number.