A never-ending division problem is called a "repeating decimal" or a "recurring decimal." This occurs when the division does not result in a whole number or a terminating decimal, but instead the decimal digits repeat in a pattern indefinitely. For example, 1 divided by 3 results in the repeating decimal 0.3333..., where the digit 3 repeats infinitely.
Assuming you mean it repeats indefinitely, you call your number "x", and write:x = 0.66666...10x = 6.66666...You subtract the first equation from the second, then solve the resulting equation for "x".Note: In other cases, if two digits repeat, you multiply by 100 to get the second equation; if three digits repeat, you multiply by 1000, etc.
Oh, dude, a bar notation is just a way to represent repeating decimals in math. It's like when you're too lazy to keep writing the same digits over and over again, so you just slap a bar over them and call it a day. It's basically the math world's way of saying, "I could write this out forever, but let's not and say we did."
Oh, dude, Pi to the last 4 digits is 3.1415. But like, who really needs to know that? It's not like you're gonna impress anyone at a party with that info. Just grab a slice of pie and enjoy life, man.
a repeating or recurring decimal
A terminating decimal number.
a repeating or recurring decimal
A decimal to two digits, perhaps.
A never-ending division problem is called a "repeating decimal" or a "recurring decimal." This occurs when the division does not result in a whole number or a terminating decimal, but instead the decimal digits repeat in a pattern indefinitely. For example, 1 divided by 3 results in the repeating decimal 0.3333..., where the digit 3 repeats infinitely.
A real number. Or, the decimal representation of a real number.
We are to convert 2/7 to a percentage, which basically means a fraction in which the denominator is 100. If we call the percentage x, we have the equation x/100 = 2/7. Multiplying both sides by 100, we get x = 200/7. Carrying out the division of 200 by 7, we get x = 28.571428571428.... The 6 digits 571428 repeat forever. Rounding to 3 decimal places, the answer is 28.571%.
Presumably you want to convert that into a fraction. Here is an example. Your number is 0.4121212... ("12" is repeated) Call this "x": x = 0.4121212... Multiply this by 100 (if three digits repeat, multiply by 1000, if 4 digits repeat, by 10,000, etc.), and subtract: 100x = 12.21212... x = 0.41212... 99x = 11.8 Therefore, x = 11.8 / 99 = 118/990. The final step is to see whether you can simplify the fraction.
arabic numbers or decimal numbers
In theory there are three types of decimal fractions: terminating, recurring and non-recurring infinite.For a terminating fraction, count the numbers of digits after the decimal point and call that number d. Then write a fraction with numerator equal to the decimal fraction but without the decimal point and the denominators equal to 1 followed by d zeros. That ratio is an equivalent fraction though it may be possible to simplify it.For example:Given 98.765, d = 3 (the digits 765)So equivalent fraction = 98765/1000For a recurring decimal, count the number of digits from the decimal point to the point before the recurring pattern begins, d and count the number of digits in the recurring pattern, r. Then, build the fraction as follows:Numerator = the number formed to d+r digits after the decimal point minus the number formed to ddigits after the decimal point.Denominator = r 9s followed by d 0s.For example,12.789656565.... recurringd = 3r = 2So Numerator = 5 digits after the decimal point - 3 digits after the dp= 1278956 - 12789 = 1266167and denominator = 2 nines followed by 3 zeros = 99000So equivalent fraction = 1266167/99000.Finally, you cannot be given an infinite, non-recurring decimal fraction. It will have to be approximated.
Assuming you mean it repeats indefinitely, you call your number "x", and write:x = 0.66666...10x = 6.66666...You subtract the first equation from the second, then solve the resulting equation for "x".Note: In other cases, if two digits repeat, you multiply by 100 to get the second equation; if three digits repeat, you multiply by 1000, etc.
In decimal we write a number by using a combination of 10 digits (0-9). In base 2, however, numbers are written by using a combination of only 2 digits (0 & 1). We call this number system binary.