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It is used in tailoring. It prevents two pieces of frabric from slipping better than a straight basting stitch.

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Q: What is long diagonal basting used for?
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Basting or tacking Stitch (even and uneven) Diagonal stitch And Tailors Tacking

What is a even basting and uneven basting?

Uneven tacking is used for general basting, for edges that require less control during permanent stitching, and for marking which can be done by long and spaced stitches. For instance, in holding together the lower part of a full skirt, basting the seams for cuffs or holders and things of that sort. This is also known as long and short tacking which is composed of two short stitches followed by a long stitch. The uneven basting stitch is made the same as the even basting stitch except that the stitch on the upper side of the cloth is made about two or three times as long as the stitch on the under side of the cloth. Josefa Spiteri

What are the Instructions for basting stitch?

Please see related link. * 2:A basting stitch is the simplest stitch you can make. You push the threaded needle through the layers of fabric, and bring it up about 1/2 inch away. It works best when you keep the stitches as straight and even as you can. Since it is a temporary stitch, it doesn't have to be perfect. The reason for the basting stitch is to hold the pieces together until you finish sewing or working with the project.

What is a basting stitch?

a basting stitch is a long stitch that is used to hold two pieces of material together until the final stitching is doneA baste stitch, or basting stitch is a long, running stitch that is used to hold fabric together temporarily until the actual seams or stitching is finished. The baste stitch is removed after the project is finished. It is similar to pins that hold the pieces together, used over a larger area.

What is basting tape?

It is basically double stick tape used for basting. It is helpful when you are trying to do pattern matches with prints. It can also be used for temporarily fix hems.

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What is basting stiches?

A basting stitch is a simple, easily-removed, temporary stitch that you make, to hold your fabric in place. Basically, it is used in place of pins. Basting stitches are particularly useful when sewing clothing.

What is diagonal basting stitch?

—To temporarily attach a lace collar, ruffles, or other trim toclothing so that the attached article may be removed easily for cleaning or to be worn with a different garment.The diagonal stitch is often used to allow knit fabric to stretch.

How long is the diagonal of a square if each side is 12 inches long?

The diagonal is about 16.97 inches long.

How long is the diagonal of a rectangle with dimensions 192.5in by 109in?

The diagonal is 221.2 inches long.

How long is the diagonal of a 10ft by 10ft square?

The diagonal is 14.142 feet.

How long is the diagonal of 7' x 14' rectangle?

The diagonal is 15.652'