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Numbers are the main thing in Maths.

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Q: What is main in math?
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What if there where no math in the world?

If there was no math in the world we wouldn't no that many things because math is the main subject in the world. It is the main subject because you will see numbers everywhere and that is math.

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No. Math does invlove a lot of varibales, but a dyslexics main struggle is reading.

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No. Of course, you might use some basic math, for trading. But first, this is only very basic math, and second, it is not the main aspect of the game.

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the prinicple means the main. like the prinicple factor would mean the main factor

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The main set operations are: union, intersection and complement.

Do i have to know math in hardware engineer?

Yes, all engineers have to know math. Engineering is presumed to deal with mathematic as its main discipline along with physics.

What kind of math does an Architect use?

Architects tend to use all types of math, but one main math used is Geometry. Architects must understand how slopes, intercepts and other terms found in geometry.

What types of math are used by Chemists?

To become a chemist you need a wide range of talents, but the main types of math that they use are probobly Algebra, trig, and Calculus.

Who much math is required to be a doctor?

A lot but the main thing you need is science I think.