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Q: What is meant by INF value?
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What is inf file?

An INF file is a text file that contains all the information necessary to install a device in Windows O.S where INF stands for information.It links the device to its driver, i.e, it registers the device to work with the driver. This INF file contains information about the driver, its location,which OS the driver is meant for, manufacturer,version no,etc. . When INF file is installed, it updates the registry entries. These registry entries tell the O.S. what driver to load when the specific device is connected.

SETUP INF is a virus?

depends where the file is located and what is in the .inf file

How can you open a auto run inf on your Mac?

an auto run inf on your mac*

What is the opposite of loyalty beginning with inf?

There is no antonym of the word "loyalty" that begin with "inf". You may be thinking of "infamy" but this an not an opposite of loyalty.

What does the abbreviation INF stand for?

INF is an abbreviation which stands for multiple things. INF could refer to an INF file, in which the INF stands for information. INF files are most commonly used on computers to install device drivers for hardware components. INF may also stand for the International Nepal Fellowship, which is a Christian mission that serves the people of Nepal through health and developmental work. INF may also stand for the International Naturist Federation, a group of people who believe in respecting the environment and being in harmony with nature through socialized nudity.

How do you say transporting in Spanish?

Transporting is: transportando (inf. transportar) or acarreando (inf: acarrear).

What type of data is contained in the files that have an .ini or .inf?

The data that have .ini or .inf files are the images.

How do you Launch INF File from a batch file?

I would suggest typing in: start <nameofthefile>.INF and make sure that you have a program that is set up to defaultly open INF files.

All numbers greater than 3 or less than?

(-inf,inf) Except the number 3.

What is the abbreviation for infantry?


What is the INF treaty?

ann barrus

Common facts about 9 and 36?

3 and 9 are the only common integers (Ze {-inf; ..... ; -3; -2;-1;0;1;2;3;4;.......;inf})