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Q: What is meant by underlying variables?
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At any given point of time you cann't get the address of a variables of java program. This is meant for security purpose only.

What are five continuous variables?

You age, your height, your mass, the speed at which you run, the energy you burn in doing so. They may be measured as discrete quantities but the underlying variables are all continuous.

What is meant by pointers in c language?

Variables (or constants) that contain addresses.

What is meant by variables?

A variable is a characteristic which can change from one observational unit to another.

Factor analysis is a statistical procedure that can be used to?

identify underlying factors or dimensions that explain the correlation among a set of variables. It helps in reducing the complexity of data by identifying patterns and relationships among variables, which can provide insights into the underlying structure of the data.

What type of variables have their movements explained by theory?

Theoretical variables have their movements explained by underlying theories or concepts. These variables are typically not directly observed but are inferred based on observable measures that are believed to represent the theoretical construct accurately. Theoretical variables help researchers understand relationships and patterns in data based on established theoretical frameworks.

What is meant by swapping of variables?

It means that you swap the values of that variables EX: -==- before swapping :- Variable1 = 5; variable2 = 10; after swapping :- Variable1 = 10; variable2 = 5;

Compare and contrast variables and constants?

In Computer Programming and Mathematics, variables and constants are ways to refering to a value. For example X=1 and Y=2 The difference being, variables are meant to be arbitary and changable, while constants are meant to be fixed and unchangable. For example, there is no reason for the value of Pi to change. So the value of Pi would best be represented by a constant.

Is there ever a point on the equation 2y3x where both variables are integers?

Sorry, I meant 2^y=3x

What is a conceptual variable?

A conceptual variable is an abstract idea or construct that is used in research to represent a theoretical concept that cannot be directly observed or measured. It often serves as an underlying factor or theoretical explanation for observed phenomena in a research study.

How did the normal distribution get its name?

According to the Central Limit Theorem the sum of [a sufficiently large number of] independent, identically distributed random variables has a Gaussian distribution. This is true irrespective of the underlying distribution of each individual random variable.As a result, many of the measurable variables that we come across have a Gaussian distribution and consequently, it is also called the normal distribution.According to the Central Limit Theorem the sum of [a sufficiently large number of] independent, identically distributed random variables has a Gaussian distribution. This is true irrespective of the underlying distribution of each individual random variable.As a result, many of the measurable variables that we come across have a Gaussian distribution and consequently, it is also called the normal distribution.According to the Central Limit Theorem the sum of [a sufficiently large number of] independent, identically distributed random variables has a Gaussian distribution. This is true irrespective of the underlying distribution of each individual random variable.As a result, many of the measurable variables that we come across have a Gaussian distribution and consequently, it is also called the normal distribution.According to the Central Limit Theorem the sum of [a sufficiently large number of] independent, identically distributed random variables has a Gaussian distribution. This is true irrespective of the underlying distribution of each individual random variable.As a result, many of the measurable variables that we come across have a Gaussian distribution and consequently, it is also called the normal distribution.