2 - 8 = -6 -6 is not a natural number. 2/8 = 1/4 1/4 is not a natural number.
You need to carry out the division. If the remainder is 0 then it is divisible, if not it is not. There are divisibility rules which can help with small or simple divisors but these are quite limited.
You do the division!
No, the natural numbers are not closed under division. For example, 2 and 3 are natural numbers, but 2/3 is not.
No. Closed means that you could do the operation (division) on any two natural numbers and you would get a result in the natural numbers. Take 7/3 for example, this is obviously not a natural number.
You can give hundreds of examples, but a single counterexample shows that natural numbers are NOT closed under subtraction or division. For example, 1 - 2 is NOT a natural number, and 1 / 2 is NOT a natural number.
Historically and even geographically the Vindhyas are acting as a natural division dividing North from South India.
memphis light, light, gas & water division uses natural gas on some of their vechiles. mlg&w
uhm.. there are two types of science: social and natural
2 - 8 = -6 -6 is not a natural number. 2/8 = 1/4 1/4 is not a natural number.
You need to carry out the division. If the remainder is 0 then it is divisible, if not it is not. There are divisibility rules which can help with small or simple divisors but these are quite limited.
Geographical division refers to the process of organizing land or territory into separate sections based on physical or human characteristics. This can include dividing regions by natural features like mountains or rivers, or by human-made boundaries such as political borders. Geographical division is often used for administrative purposes, resource management, or for research and analysis.
While natural numbers are closed with respect to addition and mulitplication, they are missing the additive identity (zero). Furthermore, they are not closed with respect to two of the fundamental operations of arithmetic: subtraction and division.
The Sundarbans is the largest single block of mangrove forest in the world. It is a natural formation but the first Forest Management Division was established in 1869.