1.5 x $16 = $24
We're silently hoping that the job doesn't involve math.
Assuming your overtime rate of pay is "time and a half", your overtime rate is $7.20 per hour. That would make your normal rate of pay $4.80 per hour, which means you really should start reading the classified ads or join a union...
$23,566.40 gross, assuming a 40 hour work week, 52 weeks a year, nothing taken out for benefits and zero overtime.
You need more information to solve this: how many hours is his regular work time (to calculate the number of hours that are overtime), and how much he gets paid for overtime work.
Assuming you do not have any overtime and get paid regular time for holidays, you would make $25.00 per hour. $52,000 per year / 52 weeks per year / 40 hours per week = $25 per hour
10.5 * 8 = 84 depends on the tax rate that how much you will be left with.
Assuming your overtime rate of pay is "time and a half", your overtime rate is $7.20 per hour. That would make your normal rate of pay $4.80 per hour, which means you really should start reading the classified ads or join a union...
ten dollars a hour
About 1600-2000$ per hour.
Time and a half pay for a $12.00 hourly wage would be $18.00 per hour. This would apply to overtime hours worked, typically over 40 hours in a workweek.
make anywhere from 13 to 23 a hour and up....I have a friend whos a manager at leslies pool supplys and he makes 14.5 a hour...but also works from 60-70 hours a week...so you make money with overtime...he makes alot, but its cause of overtime
That is a complete lie. I earn over $20 an hour and am still paid overtime by my employer.
On a 40 hr basis with no overtime your total GROSS income is: monthly: $1,448 yearly:$17,336
About half an hour to an hour.
$23,566.40 gross, assuming a 40 hour work week, 52 weeks a year, nothing taken out for benefits and zero overtime.
Flight attendants make around 26,000 dollars a year. If they travel overseas or work overtime, they can make quite a bit more. They average around 13 dollars an hour.
You need more information to solve this: how many hours is his regular work time (to calculate the number of hours that are overtime), and how much he gets paid for overtime work.
I'm a wireman for bge substations and I make $28/hr. With some overtime it works out to be around $65k/year.