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Q: What is one way of ensuring that a sample is representative of the population?
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What is difference between sample and representative sample?

A sample is any subset of the total population. A representative sample is one that is chosen so that its characteristics are similar to that of the population.

What is represenatative sample of population?

A representative sample is one where the statistics of the sample are the same as the statistics for the parent population.

Why is it important for a sample to be representative?

It is important for a sample to be representative, so that the whole population's view is counted, and not biased by one particular group within the population.

What would a sampling error of zero mean?

The sampling error is the error one gets from observing a sample instead of the whole population. The bigger it is, the less faith you should have that your sample represents the true value in the population. If it is zero, your sample is VERY representative of the population and you can trust that your result is true of the population.

Why use sample instead of population?

When performing an experiment or gathering data for statistics, it would be very difficult to gather information for every member of the group's population. Instead, one can gather information from a sample large enough to be representative of the population.

Which sample size out of a population of 1000 is most likely to lead to a valid conclusion?

Providing of course that a sample is representative of the population from which it is drawn, the bigger it is the more likely it will be to lead to a valid conclusion. Therefore, the best sample size when there are no restrictions, as in this case, would be one of 1000.

What is the difference between sample and example?

Definition of example is one (as an item or incident) that is representative of all of a group or type.Similarly, a definition of sample is1) a representative part or a single item from a larger whole or group especially when presented for inspection or shown as evidence of quality.Another definition of sample is2) a finite part of a statistical population whose properties are studied to gain information about the whole.The difference being that an example is typically one item and a sample is one or more items.

One way to ensure less sample bias?


How much population equals 1 representative?

About one representative for every 30K people

What is an independent value?

sample data drawn from one population is completely unrelated to the selection of sample data from the other population.

What is independent values?

sample data drawn from one population is completely unrelated to the selection of sample data from the other population.

Why they have only one representative?

Very small population. The number of reps is based on population.