There is no such thing. There is radon gas, which is a radioactive noble gas. It is given off by some rocks and soil.
The radian is 0.523598776
1 degree = pi*radian/180 So therefore 15 times pi*radian/180 = pi*radian/12
A radian is an arc of the circumference of a circle and it is about 57.3 degrees.
-1.257 radian
A radian is 180/pi degrees, or about 57 degrees
The radian is 0.523598776
1 degree = pi*radian/180 So therefore 15 times pi*radian/180 = pi*radian/12
Radian - Morituri - was created in 1986.
A radian is an arc of the circumference of a circle and it is about 57.3 degrees.
One radian is about 57.3 degrees
-1.257 radian
A radian is 180/pi degrees, or about 57 degrees
radian = 180/2pi degrees
1 radian = 360/tau (or 180/pi) degrees.
A mile is an obsolete unit of distance and the radian is a unit for angles !
The radian measure IS the arc length of the unit circle, by definition - that is how the radian is defined in the first place.
There is no relationship between electric charge and a radian which is an angular measurement.