An informal definition: If you take a radius of a circle and wrap it around its circumference then the angle which that arc will make at the centre of the circle is 1 radian.More formally, a radian is 1/(2*pi) of a whole angle.
180/pi, just over 57 degrees.
One radian is about 57.3 degrees
A full circle is either 360 degrees, or 2 x pi radians, so the exact conversion factor is: 1 radian = 180/pi degrees
Meter is a unit of length. Radian is a unit of angle. They don't relate.
A radian is exactly 180 / pi degrees, approximately 57.30 degrees.
1 radian = 360/tau (or 180/pi) of a whole turn.
-- The sin of 1 degree is 0.01745. (rounded) -- The sin of 1 radian is 0.84147. (rounded) -- The sin of 1 grad is 0.01571. (rounded)
1 radian = 1/tau or 1/(2*pi) of a whole turn.
1 degree = pi*radian/180 So therefore 15 times pi*radian/180 = pi*radian/12
A radian is an arc of the circumference of a circle and it is about 57.3 degrees.
You can write it into a file as a floating-point value.
1 revolution = 2 x pi radians. Therefore, 1 radian = 1 / (2 x pi) revolutions.
1 rotation/1 min * 1 min/60s * (2*Pi radian/1 rotation)
You want to change radian to degrees. To change radian to degree, multiply the radian by 180 and divide by PI, where PI=3.14159. For example 2 radians = 2 (180)/3.14159 = 114.59 degrees.
1 revolution = 2pi radians therefore; 1 radian = 1revolution/2 pi radians = 0.159154943 revolution
1 rad = 57.3°