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Q: What is relation between mathematics and agriculture?
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What is the relation between a house and agriculture?

House is the place where all the agriculture product were consumed and the agriculture is the field where we repay for what we consumed..

How mathematics used in agriculture?

mathematics is used in agriculture when there are situations such as quantity of water and fertilizer to be applied.

What is the difference between agriculture and engineering?

Agriculture and engineering are completely different. Agriculture has to do with how humans use the environment. While Engineering has to do with creation, ideas, building, mathematics, science, technology, etc

What is relation between mathematics and geography?

Linear Analysis is a technique used in statistics to determine the constant relationship between two variables.

How is a transgression defined in mathematics?

A transgression in mathematics mean that there is a relation between elements of the n-th in a cluster of the fibre, and the n+1th cluster of the base of a fibre space.

What is relation between Trigonometry and criminology?

There is no direct relationship. Trigonometry can be used in criminology as can many branches of mathematics and of science.

What is the relationship between math and technology?

Statistic use mathematics to show relation of sets of datas.

What is agri mean in the word agriculture?

agri = agriculture, esp. in relation to technology or business

What is the relation between mathematics and the physical world?

everything, For example bakers need circumference for bread or builders need perimeter and area for building.

How are functions different from relations that are not functions?

In mathematics the difference between a function and a relation is that each X-value in a function only has a single Y-value.

What are the importance of agriculture to mathematics?

Mathematicians have to eat like everybody else, so agriculture is important to them. Agriculture affects the economy and the economy affects the amount of funding available for mathematical research. Mathematics as a science does not make direct use of agriculture, As for the reverse, the importance of mathematics to agriculture, mathematical statistics is useful in evaluating the results of agricultural experiments such as measuring the change in yield produced by certain fertilizers and evaluating the quality of new hybrid plant varieties.

How is the measures the mass of a substance in relation to the substance volume?

mathematics and physics