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Q: What is role of iterated function system in fractal image compression?
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What is I f s?

IFS stands for "Iterated Function System," which is a mathematical system used to create fractal patterns through the repeated application of functions. In computer graphics, IFS is commonly used to generate complex and detailed images that exhibit self-similarity at different scales.

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Disadvantages of vapor compression refrigeration system include potential leaks of refrigerant gases, environmental impact of fluorinated gases, energy consumption for compression, and complexity of maintenance and repairs.

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Compression ratio in engineering can be calculated by dividing the total volume of a system before compression by the total volume after compression. In computing, file compression ratios are calculated by comparing the original file size to the compressed file size.

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The major function of an operating system is to manage all resources of a system.

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How are fractals found in the vascular system?

There is an element of fractal property in the manner in which an artery divides into smaller vessels and these in turn to still smaller vessels and so on until you reach capillaries. And then, you have the reverse process of capillaries joining together to form veins which join up to form larger veins and so on. Many branching processes are approximately fractal.

Is hematopoiesis a function of muscular system?

No. Is a function of the red marrow of the bone (skeletal system).

What other 2 systrems does the muscular function with?

It can function with the skeletal system and the nervous system.