

What is sec C?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What is sec C?
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How do you write a formula for the number of seconds x in a hours b minutes and c seconds?

x= 3600a + 60b + c ( a hr x 3600 sec / hr ) + ( b min x 60 sec / min ) + c sec = x sec

How do you find wavelength?


What is the wavelength that has a frequency of 5.11 x 1011 hz?

c = fλ ; where c is speed of light, f is frequency in Hertz (sec-1), and λ is wavelength in meters. Take c = 3 x 108 m/s. (3 x 108 m/sec)/(5.11 x 1011 sec-1) = 5.871 x 10-4 m, or 587.1 μm (micrometers).

What is the differentiate of y equals tanx plus c?

y' = (sec(x))^2

Solve sec2x equals secx plus 2?

You must mean, either,(1) sec2 x = sec x + 2, or(2) sec(2x) = sec x + 2.Let's first assume that you mean:sec2 x = sec x + 2;whence,if we let s = sec x, we have,s2 = s + 2,s2 - s - 2 = (s - 2)(s + 1) = 0, ands = 2 or -1; that is,sec x = 2 or -1.As, by definition,cos x = 1/sec x ,this means thatcos x = ½ or -1.Therefore, providing that the first assumption is correct,x = 60°, 180°, or 300°; or,if you prefer,x = ⅓ π, π, or 1⅔ π.Now, let's assume, instead, that you mean:sec(2x) = sec x + 2;whence,1/(cos(2x) = (1/cos x) + 2.If we let c = cos x,then we have the standard identity,2c2 - 1 = cos (2x); and,thus, it follows that1/(cos(2x) = 1/(2c2 - 1)= (1/c) + 2 = (1 + 2c)/c.This gives,1/(2c2 - 1) = (1 + 2c)/c;(2c2 - 1)(2c + 1) = 4c3 + 2c2 - 2c - 1 = c; and4c3 + 2c2 - 3c - 1 = (c + 1)(4c2 - 2c - 1) = 0.As our concern is only with real roots,c = cos x = -1; and,therefore, providing that the second assumption is correct,x = 180°; or,if you like,x = π.

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How do you write a formula for the number of seconds x in a hours b minutes and c seconds?

x= 3600a + 60b + c ( a hr x 3600 sec / hr ) + ( b min x 60 sec / min ) + c sec = x sec

What is the integral sec x?

ln|sec x + tan x| + C.

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J. R. C Hr Sec School was created in 1991.

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Typical fruit juice pasteurization temperature is from 85 degree C to 95 degree C and 45 sec to 15 sec. Example if 90 degree C temperature then 20 sec is fine although it varies with pH, sugar content, viscosity, etc.

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ln |sec x + tan x| + C

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10.38 sec

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How do you write a c program to convert time in sec to time?

main() { int sec=00,min=00,hr=00; printf("Enter time in seconds"); scanf("%d",&sec); if (sec<60) printf("%d :%d : %d",hr,min,sec); else if(sec>=60) min=int(sec/60); sec=int(sec%60); printf("%d: %d : %d",hr,min,sec); else if (sec>=3600) min=int(sec/60); sec=int(sec/60) hr=int(min/60); printf("%d : %d : %d",hr,sec,min); }

What is the formular for the speed of light?

In the USA . . . c = 186,282.397 miles/secIn the rest of the world . . . c = 299,792,458 meters/sec

What is integration of secx tanx?

Will try integration by parts. uv - int[v du] u = sec(x)----------------du = sec(x) tan(x) dv = tan(x)---------------v = ln[sec(x)] sec(x) ln[sex(x)] - int[lnsec(x) dx] = sec(x) ln[sec(x)] - xlnsec(x) - x + C ===========================

What is the differentiate of y equals tanx plus c?

y' = (sec(x))^2