3.14159265358979323846 The next digit is a 2, so that last six is both the correct digit, and correctly rounded.
It can be one of six numbers: 724, 643, 562, 427, 346, 265
The digit six in the number 10.596 represents six thousandths.
hundred thousands to the left and millionths to the right
The product of 12 X 8 is written as 96. The ones in the digit 96 is six (6).
To express 6 ones and 2 hundredths in decimals, you would write it as 6.02. The digit to the left of the decimal point represents the ones place, while the digits to the right of the decimal point represent the tenths and hundredths places, respectively. In this case, the number 6 represents the six ones, and the 02 represents the two hundredths.
63 How did you get this answer? The tens digit must be six. The ones digit must be half that, therefore three.
Any even number.
There are 5760 such numbers.
111111. Since there are six digits, there must be a repeated digit, so why not repeat all ones to get the smallest one.
100,000.00 either 5 or 7, depending if you count the change places
It is not - unless you have a specific application or situation in mind.
No. The tens unit is independent of the ones unit