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Q: What is ten elevenths times three and three sevenths times two?
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What is three elevenths minus ten elevenths?

Three of anything minus ten of the same thing leaves negative seven of them.

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Ten sevenths or one and three sevenths

What is ten elevenths?

Ten elevenths as a fraction is 10/11

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two elevenths

How many times does 11 go into 98?

8 and ten elevenths

What is eleven subtract seven-elevenths?

Ten and four elevenths.

What is three sevenths minus ten seveneths?

It is: 3/7-10/7 = -1

What is negative five sevenths minus five sevenths?

negative ten sevenths

What is five fourths times ten sevenths?

25/14 or 1 and 11/14

Is nine tenths greater or ten elevenths?

No it is not.

What is 860 over 220 in simplest form?

11 over 43 :)

What is Ten sevenths minus three fifths?

10/7 minus 3/5 = 29/35