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Depends on the material is made from and how big it is.

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Q: What is th mass of a paper clip?
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Does a paper clip have a mass of about a gram?

Yes, I think a paper clip has mass of about a gram.

Which mass would measure a paper clip?

A small metallic paper clip has a mass of a little over one gram.

Mass of a paper clip?

a paper clip wheighs about 3 kilograms

Does a pencil or a paper clip have more mass?

A pencil has more mass than a paper clip no matter how big the pencil is.

What is the approximate mass of a paper clip?

The approximate mass of a standard-sized paper clip is about 1 gram.

Why does a paper clip fall slowly?

Because of its mass.

What unit to measure the mass of a paper clip?


Does a paper clip have mass of one gram?


What item has the same mass as a large paper clip?

A typical large paper clip has a mass of around 1 gram. An item with a similar mass could be a standard A4 sheet of paper or a US dollar bill.

How would you find the mass of a paper clip?

You would determine its mass using a mass balance.

Jeremy has a strong magnet He put a paper clip on his desk and held the magnet sixteen centimeters over the paper clip If the paper clip has a mass of 1 gram and the magnet exerts a force of 0.012?

The magnet exerts a magnetic force on the paper clip in the downward direction. The force experienced by the paper clip will depend on the strength of the magnetic field, the mass of the paper clip, and the distance between the magnet and the paper clip. The force can be calculated using the formula for magnetic force, which involves the strength of the magnetic field, the charge of the particle, and the velocity of the particle.

What is equvalent to 2 grams?

2g is about the mass of a small paper clip.