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A circle within a square has a diameter equal to the side of the square = ' D '. Area of the square = D2 Area of the circle = pi R2 = pi (D/2)2 = pi/4 D2 Area inside the square but outside the circle = D2 - (pi/4 D2) = (1 - pi/4) D2 = 0.2146 D2(rounded)

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Q: What is the Measure remaining area outside a circle within a square?
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How do you measure a circle to get square inches?

Area of a circle in square inches = pi*radius2 in inches

What is the mathematical formula to Convert a circle diameter in millimeters to square millimeters?

No such formula exists. The diameter of a circle is a linear measure, square measure are for areas.

How do you measure square feet in a circle?

Measure the width of the circle and multiply X 3.14 or PII and divide by 12

Why is the area of a circle bigger than a square with the same perimeter?

It is not. If you draw yourself a square then inscribe a circle with a radius of half the length of a side of the square, the circle will fit inside the square but the corners of the square will be outside the circle. Thus by inspection the area of the square is larger than the area of the circle.

Is the area of a circle bigger than the area of a square?

It depends on the diameter of the circle and the width of the square, if they are the same then the answer is no. If you draw yourself a square then inscribe a circle with a radius of half the length of a side of the square, the circle will fit inside the square but the corners of the square will be outside the circle. Thus by inspection the area of the square is larger than the area of the circle.

How many ft in the square remaining in a 12 ft circle?

The square has sides of 3*sqrt(2) = 4.2426 feet. [Assuming 12 ft circle refers to its diameter.]

If a square is inside a circle and you know the area of the square how do you find the diameter of circle?

Measure the distance from top left corner of square (or top right) to the bottom right corner of square( or bottom left) to get the diameter of the circle. Then calculate the circumference from that figure.

How do you figure lineal ft of a circle?

Measure the circle's radius and square it. Multiply the result by pi. This number is the circle's lineal foot measurement.

A circle with a diameter of 10 inches has its center at the center of a square with 10 inch side find the area of the region that is inside the square and outside the circle?

The area of the circle is πr^2 = (π(10/2)^2) = 25π square inches. The area of the square is 10^2 = 100 square inches. The area of the region inside the square and outside the circle is 100 - 25π = 21.46 square inches.

The circumference of a circle and the perimeter of a square can intersect at a maximum of how many points?

Whether the square is inside or outside the circle,they can't have more than 4 common points.

What is the measure of the inside of a circle?

It is its square area which is found by pi*radius squared

What is the measure inside of the circle?

It is its square area which is found by pi*radius squared