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What is the minimum cross sectional area of the flue for a 14 ft tall fireplace with an opening 20 in x 24 in?

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Francesco M

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5mo ago
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60 sq ft

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Q: What is the Minimum Cross sectional area of the flue for a 14 foot tall fireplace with an opening of 20 inches by 24 inches?
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What is the average size of a fireplace?

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To start, we will find the cross sectional area of the pipes. Pipe with radius of 2 inches Cross sectional area = PI x radius2 = 12.56 inches2 Pipe with radius of 3 inches Cross sectional area = PI x radius2 = 28.26 inches2 Pipe with radius of 5 inches Cross sectional area = PI x radius2 = 78.5 inches2 As the cross sectional area of the pipe with a radius of 5 inches (78.5 inches2) is greater than the sum of the cross sectional areas of the pipes with radii of 2 inches and 3 inches (40.82 inches2), it can be concluded that the pipe with a radius of 5 inches will be able to carry the most water. (Assuming that all three pipes are the same length).

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Although there really isn't a standard size for fireplace mantels, anywhere in the 20 inches seems to be about average. They can be anywhere from 15-50 inches and maybe more.

What is the cross sectional area of a 2 inch square?

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A fireplace hearth should stick out at least how far?

at least 16 inches

How many gallons of water are in an area 16 inches wide by 28 inches tall?

You need the cross sectional area, not simply the width.

What is the cross sectional area of a 2 inch diameter bar?

3.1416"Answer:3.1416 square inches.

How deep does a fireplace need to be?

Most building codes require that the firebox be at least 20 inches deep (except for a different style of fireplace, called a Rumsford, which can be 12 inches) Check YOUR local building codes. Also, make sure that the chimney extends the proper height above your roof or the fireplace won't draw.

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What capacity would you like? I all depends upon the cross sectional area of the bottle (along with the shape of the bottle).For example, assuming a cylindrical bottle:if the bottle has a cross sectional area of 1 in² then its capacity is 8 cubic inches (about 130 ml);If the bottle has a cross sectional areas of 3 13/16 in² = 3.8125 in² then its capacity is 30.5 cubic inches (about 500 ml or ½ litre);if the bottle has a cross sectional area of 7 5/8 in² = 7.625 in² then its capacity is 61 cubic inches (about 1 litre).

What is the minimum length for an official football in inches?

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