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F = 0.00256 * (MPH of Wind) ^2

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Q: What is the Wind force calculation per square foot of surface area?
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Suppose a tornado suddenly occurred outside your front door which is 180 cm high and 97 cm wide What net force would be exerted on the door?

In order to calculate the force we would net to know the wind speed of the tornado. The door has an area of 1.746 square meters To calculate the pressure load first find the pressure by squaring the wind speed (in mph) and multiply it by 0.123 to get the pressure in pascals, and then multiply by the surface area and the drag coefficient (which in this case is 2.0 for a flat surface). To give a good range, EF0 tornado winds start at 65 mph. Such a wind would exert a force of approximately 1,800 newtons (400 pounds). The highest winds ever recorded in a tornado were 302 mph. Such a wind would exert about 39,000 newtons (8,800 pounds) of force.

What is the significance of the inverse-square law?

Its the earth, wind and the fire

Does wind move in a straight line?

No. It is affected by localised pressure differences, thermals - which depend on the the heat-retention property of the surface, surface contours (including man-made ones).

How do kites stay up in the air?

Kites stay in the air because of the force exerted on them by moving air (wind). If there were no wind then the kite would fall to the ground. This is because gravity is always trying to pull the kite down. Now the force of wind comes in to play to keep the kite in the air. The kite is at an angle to the ground, and it looks like this slash when it is flying in the air ---> / That is important because as the kite catches the wind two orthogonal forces are applied to the kite. One that is anti-parallel to gravity (Meaning the force is pointing up.) and one that is orthogonal to gravity. We don't necessarily care about the orthogonal force for our example so let's forget about it. The force generated on the kite that is anti-parallel to gravity is what keeps it in the air, so long as the anti-parallel force is greater than the weight of the kite.

What is the variables of throwing?

wind and its direction amount of force applied may differ each throw aiming skills

Related questions

What affect will a reduction in surface wind speed have on the Coriolis force?

A reduction in surface wind speed will have a minor effect on the Coriolis force. The Coriolis force is primarily influenced by the Earth's rotation and the object's velocity, not the speed of the wind. Therefore, a decrease in wind speed will not significantly alter the Coriolis force.

What does wind have to do with pressure?

Wind is caused by differences in air pressure. Air moves from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, creating wind. The greater the difference in pressure between two areas, the stronger the wind will be.

Describe the force that drives most surface currents?


When wind pushes against a?

When wind pushes against a surface, it can create a force known as wind resistance or drag. This force increases with the wind speed and the surface area of the object being pushed. The shape and orientation of the object can also affect the amount of wind resistance it experiences.

Why are triangular sails better than square ones?

because with the larger surface area being lower on the mast and the smaller surface area on the upper part. equalizing the torque along the mast from the force of the wind.

Wind blowing across the ocean surface provides the disturbing force for?

It provides force for heat

What force between the ocean and wind causes surface currents?


What major force shapes Earth's surface?

runnig water, and wind :)

How much force per square foot does a 100 MPH wind produce?

The force per square foot that a 100 mile per hour wind produces is about 65 pounds. The force goes down almost exponentially from there.

What effect will a reduction in surface wind speed have on the Coriolis force?

A reduction in surface wind speed will decrease the Coriolis force acting on the moving air mass. The Coriolis force is directly proportional to the speed of the object moving and its direction, so if the speed decreases, the force will also decrease.

A force between the ocean and the wind causes what type surface currents?


How does the friction between the ground and molecules in the air effect wind?

Friction between the ground and air molecules slows down the air at the surface, creating a drag force. This drag force can influence the direction and speed of wind patterns near the surface.