11,563,200 seconds.
1 billion seconds is 31years 251days22hours 39minutes28seconds
You can approximate your age in seconds by multiplying the number of years old you are by 365 days, by 24 hours, by 60 minutes, and by 60 seconds.
2.2 x 109
The names of the members are Luke Robert Hemmings,Calum Thomas Hood,Michael Gordon Clifford and Ashton Fletcher Irwin. (This is in age order, Ashton being the eldest)
Yes. You have lived 1million seconds by the time you are 12. You've lived more than that, but 1million seconds is included in those 12 years. its also been included in your first couple of weeks, but still the answer is yes.
manners when you are talking to someone your own age or when you are talking or when you are being firendly to someone.
11,563,200 seconds.
25 %
The duration of Be Your Age is 1320.0 seconds.
Age = 1Million Years Epoch = 10Million Years Era = 100Million Years Eon = 500Million Years
If the age of the universe is equivalent to 1 day, which is 86,400 seconds, then the proportion of mankind's age to the age of the universe is 106 years to 1010 years. Therefore, multiplying 86,400 seconds by 106/1010 will give you the number of seconds mankind would have existed, which is approximately 9,072 seconds.
No. Sexual orientation is something that is fixed at an early age, possibly birth. Being gay is just as natural as being straight.
The duration of The Spanking Age is 1200.0 seconds.
The duration of This Mechanical Age is 600.0 seconds.
The duration of The Hearts of Age is 480.0 seconds.