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For an Explicit Function, you are going to need to have 2 functions, that mirror each other. So you are going to need two equations:

y=(1-x^2)^(1/2) and


you need to have them together, otherwise you get only get one semicircle.

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Q: What is the algebraic function that describes a circle?
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Is a circle a function?

The shape of a circle IS capable of being described by an algebraic function. so no

Is the circle a function?

No, it is a shape rather than a function but it can be described using an algebraic function.

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How many zeros can you have in an algebraic function?

For an algebraic function in one variable, as many as the highest power of the variable.

What is an algebraic function?

An algebraic function is any mathematical function which uses only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and raising to the power.

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It is a function notation

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The period of a circle is not typically a relevant term used to describe circles. However, if you mean the period of a function that describes points along the circumference of a circle, it would depend on the specific function being used.

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No, a circle graph is never a function.

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They are two terms of an algebraic expression.

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Does a circle represent a function in linear functions?

a) A circle is not the graph of a function. b) A circle is not linear.

What describes the distance around a circle?

It is the circle's circumference