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Q: What is the angle of a fire cut of a floor joist?
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Are there pictures of a fire cut?

A fire cut is also called a fireman's cut. It is a diagonal cut that is made at the top of a joist used with a brick or stone wall. The fire cut acts as a safety feature to cut the risk of the wall falling if there is a fire. Pictures of fire cuts would be found in blue prints and engineering designs for buildings.

How do you repair deck joists on a cantilever deck?

Not knowing if the joist are in need of repair from rot (deterioration) or broken/damaged then replace ment of joist may be necessary. First get a replacement joist of the same or better species and treatment content and dimensions as the existing joist. Then cut the joist to the same length. You may have to cut a small angle on the bottom end of the joist to aid in working it over and between the girts and decking boards. Work the joist within a few inches of the joist to be replaced. Use a short 4x4 to drive the joist or a wood block to strike with a hammer. Take a couple of scrap 2x's and temporarily fasten to the girts and new joist to prevent movement. Then you may try a couple methods to remove the old joist. If the decking is fastened with screws then simply backout the screws. If it is nailed, then a 10 lbs. hammer can often remove most anything you need and is a great stress reliever but I recomend you use a reciprocating saw to cut the fasteners between the joist and decking. Usually the vibration of the saw and nails being cut will loosen the deck side of the fasteners and allow you to go top side and pull the old nail halves out. Once the old joist and fasteners are out you can carefully work the new joist in place. I recommend fastening the old decking to the new joist with properly coated screws or a hotdipped galvanized rink shank nail. Repeat joist replacement as necessary on other joist.

What angle do cut a polygon?

Any angle can cut a polygon.Any angle can cut a polygon.Any angle can cut a polygon.Any angle can cut a polygon.

How do you repair a sagging ceiling joist?

There are several ways, but probably the easiest way would be to temporarily buck under the afflicted ceiling joist with a 2x6 temporarily, until the joist is in line with the others. Then go into the attic and cut and attach a 2x6 to the joist and vertically to the roof ridge. Remove the buck. The joist should stay in place.

How do you install a drain in a plywood floor that will be going through a shower pan?

cut the opening on a 45 degree angle and caulk in drain

How to build a platform over a sharply sloped floor?

How much slope and how long of a run? For short distance, up to 12 feet, and 12 inches of drop, you cut a 2x12 at the right slope and use them for the floor joist. For longer runs or greater slope, Use 2x6 level and use 2x4 legs under them.

How do you cut a 135 degree angle?

Cut a 45 degree angle "going the other way".

What is a crown cut when you cut wood?

When you say "crown cut" I think you are referring to a compound angle cut. A compound angle is 2 angles cut at the same time. In crown for instance you put the trim in the saw at a 45 degree angle, and tilt your saw blade at a 45 degree angle as well.

What angle should fire cut be?

Depending on size of masonry above the beam the depths of cut shall be equal to the thickness of the beam, or equal the embedment depth of the beam into masonry. Rule of thumb - 2"

Does a bisector cut an angle in half?

To bisect an angle is to divide the angle in half.

What is a level cut in construction?

It is a straight cut with no angle.

What angle would you cut to get a 6 sided shape?

cut the angle of a decagon in half the cut angle for equal sides is 30 degrees on each end take 180 degrees divide bt # of sides and this will give you the cut angle for any euqal sided shape