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The answer for what is 16 when rounding off when the one is underlined is 20.

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Q: What is the answer for 16 when rounding off when the 1 is underline?
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This when you are rounding off 43210 copy,56789 add 1

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dont lose track of what decimal place(dp) u rounding off tounderline the place eg. round off 1.3333333333 to 5p^underline that 1then now take note of the number behind it if its 5 or higher then add 1 to the underlined digit and dont write back the numbers behind the underlined digit in the answer; drop it. if it lower than 5 then just make then digit stay the same and drop the numbers behing itso the ans to my eg would be 1.33334

Do you underline a 6 or 9?

In games they underline 6 and 9 s that we can know that it's a 9 or a 6, but they don't do that to 16 and 19 because they know that in the tens place, there's a 1, they should do that to 99, 66, etc

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The rule when rounding off numbers is "If the first figure to be discarded is 5 or more then the previous figure is increased by 1". When rounding off to the nearest tenth, 306.25 becomes 306.3 (5 is discarded, 2 increases by 1) When rounding off to the nearest unit (or digit or one), 306.25 becomes 306 (2 and any following numbers are discarded, 6 remains unchanged) When rounding to the nearest ten, 306.25 becomes 310 (6 and any following numbers are discarded, 0 increases by 1) When rounding to the nearest hundred, 306.25 becomes 300 (0 and any following numbers are discarded, 3 remains unchanged.

What would 0.33 be as a fraction?

If that is exactly 0.33 then the answer is 33/100 If you are rounding off 0.'3' or 0.3333333...... then the answer is 1/3■

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Rounding it to the nearest whole number would be: 1 Tenth's: 0.9 Hundredth's: 0.87 Thousandths: 0.869

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When rounding off, the rule is, "If the first figure to be discarded is 5 or more then the previous figure is increased by 1. Following this rule then 14.28 is rounded off to 14.3

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Im rounding this off here and its about 95 to 110.

How many whole numbers can be rounded to 650?

When rounding off, the rule is, "If the first figure to be discarded is 5 or more then the previous figure is increased by 1. Following this rule then 650 is the result of rounding off numbers in the range 645 to 654. As 650 itself is not rounded off then there are 9 whole numbers that can be rounded to 650.