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16 - 4 = 12

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Q: What is the answer to c2 - a2 for a -2 and c 4?
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If a2 plus b2 plus c2 - ab - bc - ca equals 0 then prove a equals b equals c?

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You use the Pythagorian Theorum, a2 + b2 = c2, where c is the length of the hypotenuse. If a2 + b2 = c2 then a2 = c2 - b2. Let's say that b is the side opposite Θ. Since sinΘ = b/c, a2 = 5 - 4 = 1, so a = 1. Since tanΘ = b/a, tanΘ = 2.

How do you find the hypotenuse of a triangle?

use Pythagorean theorem (A2 + B2 = C2).A is a side touching the right angle, B is the other side and C is the hypotenuse. example: A = 3, B = 4, C = ?, A2 + B2 = C2, 32 + 42 = c2, 9 + 16 = c2, 25 = c2 5 = c

How do you find the hypotenuse theorem?

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What is the Pythagorean theory?

The pythagorean theory or pythagorean theorem is a formula to find the leg or the hypotenuse for a right triangle. There are three parts to a triangle, The legs(A2) and (B2). The hypotenuse (C2). The hypotenuse is always the longest side of the triangle it is always adjacent to the 900 angle of the right triangle. The actual pythagorean theorem is A2 + B2 = C2. Example: A=2 B= 4 C=? A2 + B2 =C2 22 + 42 =C2 4 + 16= C2 20=C2 Now you find the square root for the two numbers you just added 4.4 = C

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What is the formula of a plus b plus c whole cube?

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How do you find the length of the hypotenuse if one leg is 3cm and the other is 2 cm?

The length of a hypotenuse C can be calculated by squaring 'legs' A and B of a given right triangle. Where A2 + B2 = C2 Such that 22 + 32 = C2 22 +32 = C2 4 + 9 = C2 13 = C2 √(13) = C

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If a plus b plus c equals x plus y plus z then prove a2 plus b2 plus c2 equals x2 plus y2 plus z2?

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(a+b-c)2 = a2 + b2 +c2 +2ab - 2bc - 2ac

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