No. The sum of four consecutive integers is two odd numbers plus two even numbers which is an even number. 2001 is an odd number, therefore it cannot be the sum of four consecutive numbers.
There is no set of four consecutive numbers (odd or even) whose sum equals 169.
The numbers are 82, 84, 86 and 88.
Although not specified as such, "consecutive" requires the numbers to be integers. Two pairs literally means four numbers but there are not four consecutive integers that add up to to 5280. 1318 + 1319 + 1320 + 1321 = 5278 and 1319 + 1320 + 1321 + 1322 = 5282. Four consecutive numbers must add up to an even number that is not a multiple of 4. If by two pairs, the question meant ONE pair (!!), again there is no answer since the sum of any pair of consecutive numbers must be an odd number.
If n is the first number, n + n + 1 + n + 2 + n + 3 will be the sum, which is 4n + 6. 4n is always even, and 6 is even. Therefore, the sum of four consecutive numbers is always even.
No. The sum of four consecutive integers is two odd numbers plus two even numbers which is an even number. 2001 is an odd number, therefore it cannot be the sum of four consecutive numbers.
There are no four consecutive whole numbers that add up to 35. The sum of two consecutive [whole] numbers is an even number plus an odd number which is an odd number. The sum of two consecutive numbers and the two next consecutive numbers is the sum of two odd numbers which is even, but 35 is odd, so no four consecutive whole numbers cannot add up to 35.
Answer: The even numbers are 62, 64, 66, and 68
There is no set of four consecutive numbers (odd or even) whose sum equals 169.
The numbers are 4 and 6.
The numbers are 20, 22, 24 and 26.
The numbers are 82, 84, 86 and 88.
It is cool rite
Although not specified as such, "consecutive" requires the numbers to be integers. Two pairs literally means four numbers but there are not four consecutive integers that add up to to 5280. 1318 + 1319 + 1320 + 1321 = 5278 and 1319 + 1320 + 1321 + 1322 = 5282. Four consecutive numbers must add up to an even number that is not a multiple of 4. If by two pairs, the question meant ONE pair (!!), again there is no answer since the sum of any pair of consecutive numbers must be an odd number.
If n is the first number, n + n + 1 + n + 2 + n + 3 will be the sum, which is 4n + 6. 4n is always even, and 6 is even. Therefore, the sum of four consecutive numbers is always even.
There is no set of four consecutive numbers with a product of 182. There is a set of four consecutive numbers with a sumof 182: 9, 20, 21 and 22.