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It's kind of tough to look for the 'answer', because it's not even clear what the question is.

All I can think of is: Somebody tells you what 'n' is, and then you're supposed to

figure out what number 5('n' squared + 3n) is. If that's the question, then of course

you need to know what 'n' is before you can start on it.

I'm, not at all sure that that's the question, but it's all I can think of, so here's an example:

Let's say that 'n' is 1 .

n2 = 1

3n = 3

n2 + 3n = 4

5('n' squared + 3n) = 54 = 625

That may not be too helpful, because, as I said above, the way you posted

the question, I can't see what the 'problem' (the assignment) is.

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Q: What is the answer to this problem and how do you get the answer. 5 to the power of n squared plus 3n. n squared plus 3n is the whole power.?
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