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debt ratio
It is simply a ratio between two variables. There is no information on what measures the letters represent, nor whether the ratio is a constant or variable (eg between Celsius and Fahrenheit).
15o and 75o
Use the appropriate sine or cosine ratio.
Interval-Ratio can use all three measures, but the most appropriate should be mean unless there is high skew, then median should be used.
A scale factor is the ratio of corresponding linear measures of two objects.A scale factor is the ratio of corresponding linear measures of two objects.A scale factor is the ratio of corresponding linear measures of two objects.A scale factor is the ratio of corresponding linear measures of two objects.
debt ratio
It is a geometric ratio.
current ratio
The central bank uses 9 measures to control flow (credit flow) of money. It is divided into two QAUNTITATIVE MEASURES AND QUALITATIVE MEASURES. In quantitative measures,central bank give re-discounting facilities to there member banks(commercial bank).1)Central bank give BANK RATE.when central bank increases bank rate,commercial may increase the rate of interest on borrowing and this will discourage business man to borrow money and investment will also decreases.2)Open market operation in which buying and selling of securities.3)veriable reserve ratio in which central bank ask to keep CRR at the rate of 6% and SLR(statutory liquid ratio) at 24% with them self. In qualitative measures, central bank provide money to selected member banks and discard to banks who are responsible for unstable functioning of economy.1)Rationing credit. 2)Direct action. 3)Minimum secondary reserve ratio. 3)Regulation on consumer credit. 4)changes in MARGIN REQUIREMENT on securities loan. 5)moral suasion and publicity.
One term for such a ratio is a "conversion factor".
measures that are relevant are: (1) the ratio of program expenditures to total expenditures; (2) the ratio of administrative overhead to total expenditures; (3) the ratio of fund-raising expenditures to total expenditures
The ratio is 4:5:6.
The ratio is 1 : 1 since the two measures are equivalent.