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Q: What is the approximate area of the shaded region where a circle is inscribed in a square measuring 6 unit?
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A circle is inscribed in a square The square has a side length of 20 inches What is the approximate area of the shaded region?

That depends on what area you choose to shade.

What is the area of the region bounded by its inscribe and circumscribe circle whose side of a square is 10cm?

If I understand your question correctly, you would need to subtract the area of the inscribed circle from the circumscribed circle. Which would approximately be 78.60cm squared.

What is the approximate area of the shaded region 10 cm?

The approximate area of the shaded region of 10 cm is 100 square centimeters.

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While the exact number of people who died that day are still unknown, it is expected to be in the region of 3000 names to be inscribed.

What is the area of a the shaded region if the radius of the unshaded region is 9m on a circle and the radius of the entire circle is 13m?

The area of the shaded region is 1265.42 meters squared, since I subtracted the two totals of both the unshaded region and the shaded region of a circle.

Is the region enclosed by a circle convex?

No, the region enclosed by a circle is not considered convex because it contains points within the circle that do not lie on the boundary of the circle. In convex regions, any line segment connecting two points inside the region will also lie completely inside the region.

What are the regions between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole called?

The region between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole is called the Arctic region. The region between the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole is called the Antarctic region.

Definition of circular region of circle?

the set f all points of the plane which lie either on the circle or inside the circle form the circular region

What do you called the region consisting of all points which are either on the circle or line inside the circle?

A circular region or a disk.

Is octagon fundamental region?

No. A fundamental region is usually a circle.

What represents a region of a circle?

A segment or a sector are both regions in a circle.

Is Mexico a region?

No. It is a whole country the approximate size of Alaska.