

What is the area of Alins?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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10y ago

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The area of Alins is 183.19 square kilometers.

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Why are dere people here dere shld b alins?

of course they do were alins from a planet marshens would say were alins so yes alins exist coz were them by ruby punt

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No way

Are there alins in space?

No one really knows that if there is any "alins"(aliens) in space. But if you work hard in science, you might know!

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they will see alins

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no because that is just a tale

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What do we find in your solar system?

we find stars, planets, moons etc. each time we get better stuff we find alins and a lot more stuff like water on mars.

Are alins reall?

There is no scientific evidence of the existence of aliens. While some people claim to have encountered extraterrestrial beings, these accounts have not been proven to be true.

Do alins have babies?

yes the aliens have a baby first get 2 aliens any gender then put them back to back and rub them together for 2 hours then if they have a hole in there back then they are in labor but massage there Head genteelly and you will have a baby Aline . it dose work but it takes 2 weeks and you have to do it everyday