

What is the area of Demre?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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The area of Demre is 473.2 square kilometers.

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St. Nicholas lived in the country we now know as Turkey, specifically in the city of Myra, which is located in present-day Demre.

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The real St. Nicholas lived in the region that is now known as Turkey. He was a Christian bishop in the ancient city of Myra, which is located in modern-day Demre, Turkey.

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Not always. Santa is loosely based on St. Nicholas, the fourth century Bishop of Demre, Turkey, who was said to have carried a sack full of toys for poor children. Our modern day version of "Jolly Old St. Nick" was created in 1863, by Thomas Nast.

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Saint Nicolas is a French equivalent of the English name "Saint Nicholas." The name refers to the beloved Bishop (March 15, 270 to December 6, 343) of Myra, Asia Minor, in what is now Demre, Turkey. The pronunciation will be "seh nee-ko-la" in French.

Is Myra in The Bible?

Myra is the modern day town of Demre. It is situated very near the southern coast of Turkey on the Mediterranean Sea.Luke, the Bibles historian mentions it in regards to the Apostle Paul's missionary journy in the book of The Acts of the Apostles.Acts 27:5 - And when we had sailed over the sea of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came to Myra, a city of Lycia.Lycia was a province of the Roman Empire in Paul's day

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St. Nicholas of Myra lived in a Greek colony in Asia Minor (modern Turkey) in the town of Myra and died there. His relics were later stolen and taken to Bari, Italy, where they remain today.

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The original Santa Claus was Saint Nicholas; (March 15, 270 to December 6, 343), also called Nikolaos of Myra, was a historic 4th-century Christian saint and Greek Bishop of Myra, in Asia Minor (modern-day Demre, Turkey). As the name moved from language to language and the story modified (especially in 20th century U.S.) the real Saint Nicholas became the mythical Santa Claus of the department store, etc.

What is area in afrikaans?

"Area" in Afrikaans is "area."