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The area of Germiston is 129 square kilometers.

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Related questions

What is the population of Germiston?

The population of Germiston is 139,719.

When was Germiston created?

Germiston was created in 1886.

What is the history on Germiston Lake being called Victoria Lake?

In 1886, gold was discovered in Johannesburg, which led to British aspiration of colonization in the area. The lake was named after Queen Victoria, who was the monarch of the UK from 1837-1876 and lived from 1819-1901. Today, the lake is more commonly known as Germiston Lake.

What direction is the Virginia Airport Durban to The Rand Airport Germiston?

Roughly North-west.

How deep was germiston lake formed?

According to google maps it is about 2 meters deep.

When was Arlene Dickinson born?

Arlene Dickinson was born on October 8, 1956, in Germiston, South Africa.

What is the bank code for Standard Bank Constantia?

The branch code for Standard Bank Germiston is 011642.

When did Lebo Mathosa die?

Lebo Mathosa died on October 23, 2006, in Germiston, Gauteng, South Africa of car accident.

What is the major cities in South Africa?

Depending on what one understands under "major", South Africa's list of major cities would have to include Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria, Durban and Port Elizabeth -- but there are of course also other important cities such as Bloemfontein, Germiston, Pietermaritzburg, Kimberley and quite a few others.

When was Tembisa created?

Tembisa is a large township, north of Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa, Established in 1957 to deal with the resettlement of people from Alexandria and other areas in Edenvale, Kempton Park, Midrand and Germiston. The name comes from the Xhosa word meaning 'promise. Black Africans represent over 98% of the population

What is the distance between Johannesburg and germiston?

They both are in South Africa and are really close. They are just 7 miles (approximate distance) away from each other. Note that this is a straight distance between the two places. The actual distance may vary according to the flight path or road/sea route chosen.

What rhymes with neutron?

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