Carpet area is carpet area and retail area is retail area
Area having a common drainage is catchment area, whereas area which is uses that water from common drainage area is command area.
Built up area is the area which has been developed.and floor area is the area which is about to built or about to develope.
The area of Siffleur Wilderness Area is 412.14 square kilometers.
The area of Denman Wildlife Area is 7,122,467.303424001 square meters.
The population of Okotoks is 24,511.
Okotoks was created in 1904.
Okotoks Oilers was created in 2005.
Okotoks Dawgs was created in 2003.
The motto of Okotoks is 'Historic Past, Sustainable Future'.
Okotoks's population density is 1,273.8 people per square kilometer.
The Address of Okotoks Junior High is 1# Pacific Ave. Okotoks, Alberta T1S 2A9 Its approximately 15 minutes south of Calgary. The school is home to over 700 Ocelots.
From the south end of the city, it takes about 15 minutes to drive south to Okotoks.
okotoks, AL
About 1,000km
2,223 miles