

What is the area of Pleiku?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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10y ago

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The area of Pleiku is 261 square kilometers.

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What is Pleiku?

Pleiku is a town in Vietnam and is the capital of the Gia Lai Province. Its total area is 101 square miles and its elevation is 2,420 feet.

What is Pleiku's population?

The population of Pleiku is 186,763.

When was Pleiku Air Base created?

Pleiku Air Base was established in 1962 by the United States during the Vietnam War. It served as a strategic airbase and logistics hub for American military operations in the region.

When did vietcong attack pleiku?

The Air Base was attacted in Jan. 1967

What army bases were around pleiku in 1970-1971?

During 1970-1971, Pleiku in Vietnam was home to several army bases, most notably Camp Holloway, which served as the headquarters of the US Army 4th Infantry Division. Additionally, Camp Enari, known as Dragon Mountain, was located nearby and served as the main base for the 4th Infantry Division. There were also several smaller bases and fire support bases scattered throughout the region surrounding Pleiku.

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The Arsenal academy in Vietnam is at a place called Pleiku.

What happened after the attack at Pleiku during the Vietnam war?

Prior to 1972 Pleiku was headquarters to the USAs 4th ID. In 1972 the NVA launched their "Easter Offensive" in the Pleiku/Kontum region which was beaten back by SACs B52s; and in which the US Army experimented with their newly invented TOW anti-tank missile, knocking out at least two dozen NVA PT76 & T54 tanks.

Where is Ia Drang?

II Corps (MR-2/Military Region 2); southwest of Pleiku, Central Highlands.

Does Vietnam have a highland climate?

The Central Highlands of former South Vietnam (and former II Corps) the Pleiku area, is cold enough at night to need a jacket and a sleeping bag. But it doesn't snow anywhere in those hills. Therefore its cold in relation to the rest of the former South Vietnam's climate but not the "highland cold" of Europe or North America (where it often does snow).

What is the driest region in southeast Asia?

The mountain ranges in the Central Highlands (Pleiku/Kontum areas) can get pretty dry. Just like the forests in California...nice and wet during winter...dry and a fire danger in the summer.

Was agent orange sprayed in or around pleiku air base?

Yes it was... my brother Dan Delgado from Cuba New Mexico was stationed there and said it was all over that area. As a matter of fact he said it was a common practice as it fell from the sky to wipe it like a lotion to keep the mosquitos from biting them. It was also heavily used just to the east and north east at Camp Base Oasis, Plei Kleng, Ben Het, Dak To and Dak Pec.

Who convinced president Johnson to wider the war in Vietnam?

Army General William Westmoreland, who was the supreme commmander of all U.S. forces in Vietnam, asked Johnson in 1965 for more troops. This widened the war and the first major battle in Vietnam was the Battle of Ia Drang in the Pleiku Province of South Vietnam.