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If that is the diameter, divide by 2 to get the radius. Then use the formula: area = pi x radius2.

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Q: What is the area of a 20 inch pizza?
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How many more square inches are in a 14 inch pizza than in a 12 inch pizza?

Area of a 14 inch pizza = 43.98in2. Area of a 12 inch pizza = 37.70in2. Difference between the two = 6.28in2.

How many pizza slices can you get from a 20 inch pizza?


Are two 10 inch pizzas the same size as one 20 inch?

No Side by side the total would be 20 inches but there would be a space at top and bottom Assuming they are the same depth, then the comparison is between the areas. As the lengths are in the ratio of 10:20 = 1:2, their areas are in the ratio 1²:2² = 1:4 Thus the 20 inch pizza has four times the area of a 10 in pizza, ie a 20 inch pizza is the same as FOUR 10 inch pizzas.

Would you get more pizza selecting 3 slices of the 12 inch pizza or 2 slices of the 16 inch pizza?

Assume both pizzas are cut into eight slices. 3 slices of the 12 inch pizza make an angle of3 pi/4 and area is 1/2 radius squared times angle where radius is 6 inch so area = 42.4 sq in 2 slices of the 16 inch pizza make an angle of pi/2 and area is 1/2 radius squared times angle where radius is 8 inch so area = 50.2 sq in so the two 16 inch slices give you more pizza

What is the area of a 10 inch pizza?


What is the area of a 15 inch square pizza?

225 square inches

Surface area of 18 inch pizza?

The 18" refers to the width (diameter) of the pizza.

If a seven inch pizza cost 4.00 and the price of the 14 inch is proportional to the cost of the seven inch how much would the fourteen inch pizza cost?

The area of the pizza inceases as the square of the radius (or diameter). Assuming the thickness remains the same, then the volume also increases as the square of the radius. So, double radius implies quadruple area implies quadruple cost.

Is a 12 inch pizza twice as big as a 6 inch pizza?

The circumference of the 12-inch pizza is twice as big as the 6-inch pizza.Determine the circumference (C) of both pizzas.C = pi x d, where d is the diameter6-inch pizzaC = pi x 6 in = 18.85 in12-inch pizzaC = pi x 12 in = 37.70 inDivide the circumference of the larger pizza by the circumference of the smaller pizza.37.70/18.85 = 2

Area of circle with 20 inch radius?

Area = pi*r2 So r = 20 inch gives area = 1256.64 sq inches.

How many square inches are in a 16 inch pizza?

The area of a 16" pizza is 201.2 sq inches which is 0.1297 sq metres

How do you calculate the price per square inch of pizza?

To calculate the price per square inch of pizza, you will need to know the area if the pizza in square inches, and the price of the pizza. For example, let's say you have a 12 inch pizza that cost 5 dollars. Pizzas are generally measured in diameter, so the diameter of the pizza is 12 inches, and the radius is half of that, or 6 inches. The formula for the area of a circle is (1/2)(pi)(radius)2, which, in this case, is (1/2)(pi)(6 in)2, or about 56.5 in2. We now know the area and the price. The formula for price per square inch is what is sounds like: (price)/(area in in2). In this case, it is (5)/(56.5), or about .089 dollars. So this pizza costs about 9 cents per square inch.