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Area = 1,918,570 ft2

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Q: What is the area of a pentagon having a perimeter of 5280 feet?
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What is the area of a pentagon having a perimeter of 150 feet?

Area = 1,548.43 ft2

What is the area and the perimeter of a regular pentagon having one of its sides equal to 18 cm?

The perimeter of the pentagon would be 18 x 5 = 90 centimetres. The area of the pentagon, rounded to two decimal places, would be (5 x 182 x tan(54))/4 = 272.89 cm2.

How do you use the word pentagon in a sentence for math?

The boy had to find the area and perimeter of the pentagon.

Area of a pentagon with a perimeter of 45 feet?

Area = 139.36 ft2

What is the formula for the pentagon?

Any 5 sided polygon is a pentagon. There is no formula for it. We have formulas for area and perimeter. Perhaps that is what you are asking?

What is the area of a regular pentagon that has a perimeter of 50cm?

Using trigonometry and the sine rule the area of the regular 5 sided pentagon with a perimeter of 50cm works out as 172.048 square cm rounded to 3 decimal places.

Find the perimeter and area of a pentagon with side length 8 cm?

Area = 110.11 cm2

What is the formula for calculating the area of a regular pentagon?

The formula is 1/2 (apothem) (perimeter)

What is the Equation for volume of a pentagon?

A pentagon is a 2-D shape. You can't find the volume of it unless it's 3-D. The formula for the area of a pentagon has something to do with the perimeter, the number of sides, the apothem, and the number 2.

What is the formula for calculating the area of the pentagon shape?

add all of the triangle area in a pentagon to get areaThe area A of a regular polygon with n sides each s units long, perimeter p, and apothem a:A = (ans)/2 or A = (ap)/2.

A regular pentagon with perimeter 60 and apothem x. Find the area?

A pentagon has 5 sides. The perimeter is 60 so each of its sides is 60/5=12. Area = n (s/2)^2 / tan( π /n) = 5(12/2)^2 / tan ( π /5) = 247.7487

What is the area of the equilateral triangle having a perimeter of 18?

Area equals 15.59