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Q: What is the area of a regular polygon with 30 sides that has a 12 mm radius?
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What is the area of a regular polygon with the radius of 14?

You need to know the number of sides.

What is the area of a regular polygon if the radius is 8 cm?

The area of a regular polygon with n sides is the half of the product of its perimeter and the apothem. So that you do not have enough information to find the area of the polygon (for example how many sides it has, or the side length).

What are the measures in a regular polygon?

The area of a regular polygon is given by the following formula: area =(1/2) (apothem)(perimeter).There are several other formulas that can be used. Regular Polygon Formulas are: N=number of sides, s= length, r = apothem (adiius of inscribed circle) R = radius of circumcircle. Using any of these formulas you can find the measurements of a regular polygon.

If the midpoint of successive sides of a regular polygon are joined a smaller regular polygon is formed Find a polygon of such number of sides so that the area is half that of the larger?

The polygon is a Quadrilateral.

What are faces of a congruent regular polygon?

A regular polygon has equal sides and angles. A polygon has a surface area but a polyhedron has many faces as for example a pyramid.

How do you find the area of a polygon with only the radius given?

a polygon doesn't have a radius... a circle has a radius. the area of a circle is pi times the radius squared. * * * * * While it is true that a polygon does not have a radius, it does have a circumradius. This is the radius of the circle which passes through each of the polygon's vertices. If the circumradius is r units, and the polygon has n sides, then its area will be 1/2*n*r2*sin(2π/n) square units, where the angle is measured in radians.

What is the formula for a polygon if you are looking for the area?

The answer depends on the information that is available to you and whether or not the polygon is regular or irregular. If it is irregular, then you will need to divide it up into triangles, find the area of each triangle and sum the results. This will require knowledge of all sides and angles (except one).If it is regular than the answer depends on whether you know the side length, the apothem (radius of incentre) or the radius of the circumcentre.

How do you find the area of the regular polygon if only the radius is given?

The circumradius is the radius of the circle which passes through each of the polygon's vertices. If the circumradius is r units, and the polygon has n sides, then its area will be Area = 1/2*n*r2*sin(2Ï€/n) square units, where the angle is measured in radians. If, instead, the radius of the inscribed circle (the apothem) is known to be x units, then Area = nx2*tan(Ï€/n)

How many shapes can you make with an area of 5 square units?

12Infinitely many all different:As it is only the area that matters, the perimeter can be any shape:An equilateral triangle (with sides approx 3.398 units)A square (with sides approx 2.236 units)A regular pentagon (with sides approx 1.705 units)A regular hexagon (with sides approx 1.387 units)A regular heptagonA regular octagonA regular nonagonA regular decagonA regular hendecagon (11 sided polygon)A regular dodecagon (12 sided polygon)A regular triskaidecagon (13 sided polygon)A regular 14 sided polygonA regular 15 sided polygonA regular 16 sided polygon...A circle (with radius approx 1.262 units)And there are also the non-regular shapes, eg an L shaped hexagon, a kite, a parallelogram which can have an area of 5 square units.

How do you find area of regular polygon?

you find the perimeter and then you times all the sides together

What would be the area of a regular polygon with the perimeter of 20 ft and apothem of 3 ft?

Area of regular polygon: 0.5*20*3 = 30 square feet

What is the area of a polygon that has 6 sides?

Assuming a regular hexagon (all sides equal) with sides of length L: Area = (6.75).5 * L2 =~ 2.5981 * L2