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Q: What is the area that you can see when looking straight ahead?
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How many miles can a person see straight?

Looking up light years, straight ahead 2.9 miles...

How many degrees can you see looking straight ahead?

Varies from person to person but about 180 degrees.

What if your of vision is all the areas you can see around while looking straight ahead?

Rock on, dude!

What area is visible when the patient looks at an object straight ahead?

The area that is visible to the patient when they look straight ahead is the central visual field. This is where the focus of their vision lies, allowing them to see objects clearly and in detail.

Can a cockatiel see ahead because its eyes are at the sides of its head?

When a cockatiel wants to see ahead, it simply turns its head sideways to look straight ahead.

What is periphery mean?

Peripheral vision refers to the vision at the edges of your visual field. This does not mean what you can see when you turn your eyes, but what you can see to the far left and right while looking straight ahead. In general, it can refer to equipment or processes that are useful but not necessarily crucial.

Where is the firewall on a 97 silverado?

open up your hood and look straight ahead and you will see it.

Where is honey ha ha on toon town?

in her shop just keep walking around and you will see it straight ahead of you

If you see something the port beam you are seeing something straight out from the middle of the vessel on the left side straight ahead of the vessel directly behind the vessel?

Straight out from the middle of the vessel on the left side.

Why is playing looking ahead?

Many people who are playing sports games, are looking ahead to see what type of strategy they can use in order to win the game. Some teams plan ahead before they begin playing the game so all the team members are on the same page.

Where is the vistas shop in harvest moon?

If you mean Vesta's Farm, then you have to leave your Farm. Go straight ahead until you are in the middle of a junction. Then you turn right and go straight ahead. When you crossed the Bridge, you will see a Farm. There are two houses. The first one is Vestas Shop.

Can budgies see straight ahead?

Imagine your head, look straight forward, but turn your left eye all the way right. You can see things 90° on the right side from your eye but not everything. Same thing for budgies they can only see a bit until they got to turn their head to see it.