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Since I can't see either the illuminated area or the list of choices, my

chance of selecting the appropriate equation is looking rather dim.

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Q: Which equation can be used to find the horizontal length r of the illuminated area?
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What is the mathematical equation for area?

Length x Width = Area

What is the equation area equals length multiplied by width used for?

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You use the equation Area = width x length. And solve for the width. You solve it by dividing both sides by the length to get.. Area/length = width

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By forming a quadratic equation from the information given and then the length and width can be found by solving the equation.

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If you are trying to find the width of a rectangle with length and area then divide the area by the length. A=LxW. Simply divide both sides of the equation by the length and you'll have the width. W=A/L

What is the equation Area length X width used for?

the equations tell you what the surface area of somthing is

What is the area of Ovalle?

pi*a*b where a = half length of major axis (horizontal) and b = half length of minor axis (vertical)

What equation shows the area of a triangle with a base length of 11 feet?

You need the height as well to find the area, but the proper equation would be A= 5.5h

How can you convert Area to Length x Width?

A=WxL because of the equation with just an area, length and width can have multiple combinations, however if you have an area as well as a length or a width you can divide the area by either of these to get the other for example L=A/W W=A/L so if you have any two parts of the equation you can find the third