you can divide two negative numbers easily! think,if a bad thing (which represents a negative number) happens to a bad person (which also represents a negative number) is a good thing/positive, which means positive number! EXAMPLE: -20 divided by -4=40! (bad thing/negative) divided by (bad person/negative)= good thing/positive
some people are good with numbers then words They use opposite sides of the brain. Left for maths and right for language.
The two numbers that equal negative 3 are -6 and 3. When you add -6 and 3 together, you get -3. This is because adding a negative number and a positive number with the same absolute value will result in a negative sum.
A negative risk is something that is a bad or dangerous risk to take.
you can divide two negative numbers easily! think,if a bad thing (which represents a negative number) happens to a bad person (which also represents a negative number) is a good thing/positive, which means positive number! EXAMPLE: -20 divided by -4=40! (bad thing/negative) divided by (bad person/negative)= good thing/positive
there are always two sides of an opinion a bad and a good negative and a positive facts ae not always true.
Because the integer was being negative.
A charge off with a zero balance means that a creditor has written off your account as a bad debt. This will show up as a negative mark on your credit report.
if a is bad, then negative bad or not bad is good.-a means the opposite of a. Since a is negative and the opposite of a negative is positive, -a is positive.
When the numbers are negative or the events are unpleasant. -4 is greater than -5 and 4 bad days are better than 5 bad days.
what bad sides
Yes, if you continue to add negatives together the sum will be a negative. i think about as a good thing happening to a bad thing is a bad thing
A negative attitude is a bad attitude. You see everything negative.
its a word that exaggerate a normal negative to a deepest negativism..example,bad is just thereabout worst is more negative than bad.
a negative connotation a bad feeling or emotions