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Q: What is the bottom half and top half of a kernel?
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When you cover the top half of an object what happens to the image formed by a convex lens?

Covering the top half of an object will only allow the rays from the bottom half to pass through the lens. The image formed by a convex lens will still be created, but only for the bottom half of the object that is visible and the top half will not contribute to the formation of the image.

What animal is the bottom half of the Sphinx?

If your talking about Theinen the Great Sphinx, the bottom half is Sphinx Teleia and the top half is Andro Sphinx.

What does kernel memory do in windows xp and how much should be shown in task manager?

What this does is show you the percentage of the processor being used by the Windows Kernel or operating system. It'll display red on top of some of the green part. So if half the bar is green and half is red, that means 50% of the current CPU Usage is the Kernel!

Can you get a guillotine from half guard?

Yes, from both the top and the bottom. Hard from the bottom but doable

Why is the bottom half of an apple sweeter than the top half?

well it is scientifictly proven that the bottom half of the apple is seeter becuase when an apple hangs on a tree it is hung in a position where the juices and the sweetness move from the top to the bottom...can you guess why?!.....GRAVITY! theres your answeer

What is the meaning of a half pentagram?

What half? Top? Bottom? Perhaps it depends on the context in which it is used.

What happens if you break your marijuana plant in half on accident?

the top half will die off but if you continue growing the bottom half it will develop a new top

What colours do they sell the lg rumor in in Canada?

Green (Green top, white bottom) , White (white top, white bottom), Black (Black top, Blue bottom half) and the new Blue (Blue top, white bottom)

What color is a shiny Qwilfish?

The top half is reddish pink, and the bottom half is pinkish white.

What is the top half of a fraction called?

The numerator. The bottom is called the denominator.

What is a centaur in the book the lighting thief?

a centaur is a person that has a top half human and a bottom half horse