It is called the 'denominator'
It is called a denominator
the bottom number of a fraction is a denominator and to remember d for down
The top number in an improper fraction is called the numerator. The bottom number is called the denominator.
The upper number is called a numerator. The bottom number is called a denominator.
The number on the bottom of a fraction is known as the "denominator."
It is called the 'denominator'
It is called a denominator
the bottom number of a fraction is a denominator and to remember d for down
The top number in a fraction is called the "numerator". The bottom number is called the "denominator"
The top number in an improper fraction is called the numerator. The bottom number is called the denominator.
The upper number is called a numerator. The bottom number is called a denominator.
the denominator.
The little number off to the bottom right of an element is called the subscript. It indicates the number of atoms of an element in a molecule.
The numerator is the top number in the fraction and the bottom number is called the denominator.
A proper fraction has the top number (the numerator) smaller than the bottom number (the denominator).