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Q: What is the chance of rolling a 4 with a single die three times in a row?
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If a dice is rolled three times what is the probability of rolling a 3 each time?

50% chance

What is the probability of you rolling a 3 on a single die three times in a row?

1 out of 100

What is the probability of rolling a 6 sided dice three times and getting a 4 all three times?

1/6 times 1/6 times 1/6= 1/216 chance of getting a 4.

What is the chance of rolling a 6 4 times in a row?

The chance of rolling it each time is (1/6). So the chance of rolling it 4 times in a row is(1/6) x (1/6) x (1/6) x (1/6) = (1/1296) = 0.0007716 = 0.0772 % (rounded)The chance of rolling it each time is the same. It's not affected by what came before,since dice have no memory.

What is the prbability of rolling a five on one die three times in a row?

The chance is one in 216 (6^-3).The probability of rolling a five once is 1/6. Rolling a five again, on the same die or another, will still have a 1/6 chance. Therefore, the probability of the event occurring twice is 1/36 (1/6^2). Three times has a probability of 1/216 (1/6^3), and so on. It does not matter what die is used, as long as it has six sides.The probability p of rolling a number x times consecutively on an s sided die isp=s^-x

Rolling three dice what is the probablity of obtaining different outcomes?

Depends if the dice is bias then you an not have an answer if it is fair then you times 6 by 3 which = 18 so if you want three different outcomes then 3/18 which is simplified to 1/6 of a chance!

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What is the probability of rolling an odd number three times?

The probability of rolling an odd number is 3/6 (or rather, 1/2), so the probability of rolling an odd number three times in a row is 1/2^3 is 1/8 or 12.5%.

What are the chances of rolling double 6 3 times in a row?

The chance of rolling a double 6 is 1/6x1/6The chance of getting the 3 times in a row is(1/6x1/6)3 or (1/36)3 which is 1/46,656, a very small number!

What is the probability of rolling 6 and four in backgammon three times in a row?

The answer depends on how many times in total the dice are rolled. As the total number of rolls increases, the probability rolling a 6 and 4 three times in a row increases towards 1.

What is th probability of rolling six three times in a row with a six sided dice?

Assuming that the die is a "normal" one (it has the numbers 1 to 6 and that it is fair), then the probability of rolling six three times in a row is 1/6*1/6*1/6 = 1/216 = 0.00463 The probability of rolling six three times in a row eventually is 1 (ie a certainty).

What is the probability of having at least two numbers the same when rolling a dice three times?

Instead of thinking of this as rolling 1 die three times, think of it as rolling 3 dice once. The first die will be something. The 2nd die will have a 1/6 chance of being the same as the first. The 3rd die will have a 1 in 6 chance of being the same as the first. As for the 3rd die matching the 2nd, this gets tricky. There is a 1/6 chance it will be the same as the 2nd, but you must then adjust for the 3rd die being the same as the first and second. Having all three the same would be 1/6 * 1/6 or 1/36. So the probability would be 1/6 + 1/6 - 1/36 or 11/36