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Q: What is the chance of throwing a 5 on a six sided dice?
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What is the chance of throwing a 3 on a six sided dice?

Assuming it is not a loaded die, the chances are 1 in 6.

Do you have more of a chance to roll a six with one die thrown twice or two dice thrown together?

You have more chance with two dice rolled together ! The Probability of throwing a six with one dice is 1/6. The probability of throwing one six with two dice is 2/6 or 1/3. You're twice as likely to score a six if you're throwing two dice.

What are the chances of throwing a 6 when throwing a six-sided dice?

if there is only 1 6 your chances r 1 to 6

What are the odds of throwing two of any number with 2 dice in one throw?

1/n, where n is the number of faces on the dice. For example, if they are six sided dice, then the odds will be one in six.

What is the probability of rolling a 5 on a 6 sided dice?

There is always a 1 in 6 chance of rolling ANY number on a six-sided dice, as there are 6 numbers.

What are the chances of rolling an even number on a six sided dice?

there is exactly a 50% chance.

What are the chances of throwing 2 6s?

The chance of throwing a six with one die is one in six. With a pair of dice it is one in six2 or one in 36.

What are the odds of rolling a seven with two dice fifty six times in succession?

The chance of throwing 7 with 2 dice is 1 in 6. The chance of throwing 7 with 2 dice 56 times in a row is 1 in 656 ≈ 1 in 3.771 x 1043.

When a six-sided dice is thrown what is the probability of getting a 1?

A die, many dice. So when you say a six-sided dice, do you mean six-sided dice, and if so, how many of them? Or, do you mean only one six-sided die? In that case, assuming the ide is fair, the answer is 1/6.

What are the percent of chance of rolling a six twice in a row on one six sided dice?

(1/6 * 1/6) * 100 = 2.8%

What are the chances of rolling the dice at 1?

For a six sided die , it would be 1/6 as there is an equal chance for every value.

What is the largest sum possible with 2 six sided dice?

The largest possible sum with 2 six sided dice is 12.