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Q: What is the common ratio for the geometric sequence below written as a fraction?
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What is the common ratio for the geometric sequence below written as a fraction 768 480 300 187.5?

What is the common ratio for the geometric sequence below, written as a fraction? 768, 480, 300, 187.5, …

Is the following sequence arithmetic or geometric and what is the common difference (d) or the common ration (r) the common ratio (r) of the sequence π2π3π22π?

The sequence is neither arithmetic nor geometric.

What is the common ratio in this geometric sequence?

A single number does not constitute a sequence.

What is the common ratio in this geometric sequence 7?

A single number does not constitute a sequence.

If a geometric sequence has a common ratio of 4 and if each term of the sequence is multiplied by 3what is the common ratio of the resulting sequence?

the answer is 4

In what sequence are all of the terms the same?

A static sequence: for example a geometric sequence with common ratio = 1.

What is a geometric rule for pattern?

Not sure about this question. But, a geometric sequence is a sequence of numbers such that the ratio of any two consecutive numbers is a constant, known as the "common ratio". A geometric sequence consists of a set of numbers of the form a, ar, ar2, ar3, ... arn, ... where r is the common ratio.

How do you determine if a sequence is geometric?

A sequence is geometric if each term is found by mutiplying the previous term by a certain number (known as the common ratio). 2,4,8,16, --> here the common ratio is 2.

How do geometric sequences apply to a bouncing ball?

The ball does not return to its initial height after bouncing. So the height it reaches after the first bounce will be a fraction of the initial height, etc. This is a geometric sequence with common ratio 5/8.

What is descending geometric sequence?

A geometric sequence is a sequence where each term is a constant multiple of the preceding term. This constant multiplying factor is called the common ratio and may have any real value. If the common ratio is greater than 0 but less than 1 then this produces a descending geometric sequence. EXAMPLE : Consider the sequence : 12, 6, 3, 1.5, 0.75, 0.375,...... Each term is half the preceding term. The common ratio is therefore ½ The sequence can be written 12, 12(½), 12(½)2, 12(½)3, 12(½)4, 12(½)5,.....

Determine if the sequence below is arithmetic or geometric and determine the common difference/ ratio in simplest form 300,30,3?

This is a geometric sequence since there is a common ratio between each term. In this case, multiplying the previous term in the sequence by 10.

What is the difference between succeeding terms called?

The difference between succeeding terms in a sequence is called the common difference in an arithmetic sequence, and the common ratio in a geometric sequence.