depending on the current growing season winter, fall, spring, or summer the price of a pound of tomatoes can varry from $1.99 to $2.99
$ 1,000,000
How much does 0.5 kilograms of tomatoes cost?
If 2 pounds of rice cost 5, 1 pound will cost 2.50 or 2 1/2.
$ 1,000,000
3 tomatoes.
It depends on the size of the medium tomatoes, but on average, about 2 to 3 medium tomatoes would equal one pound.
2 cups of tomatoes equal about 1 pound.
The number of tomatoes in a pound will depend on the variety and size of tomato. I've seen Beefsteak tomatoes that weigh over a pound each. An average-sized slicing tomato might be around 8 oz. With grape tomatoes, you will get a lot more tomatoes in a pound, and even their size varies.
I just counted 43 grape tomatoes in my 10.5 oz package. This would be approx. 65 in a pound.
1 pound of tomatoes could yield 2 cups of juice. This would also depend on the size of the tomatoes.
About three.
Calories in 1 pound of tomatoesThere are:Approx 5 calories in each 1 oz or 28g of tomatoApprox 80 calories in 1 pound of tomatoes.
it takes about 3 cups of tomato paste to make one pound.